Our services

Our services

Learn about what we do below

Our services

Our services

Learn about what we do below

Community Residential
Facilities (CRF)

Our services provide assistance to individuals involved in or affected by the criminal justice system. Our programs support individuals as they reintegrate into the community, advance public safety, and advocate for individuals affected by the criminal justice system. We work to achieve this through a variety of programs that provide housing, employment, outreach, reintegration, and other support services to individuals in correctional institutions, and in the community.

Transitional &
Supported Housing

In addition to the 15 CRF transitional and supported housing beds, Maria Keary Cottage also offers 20 beds for chronically homeless men. Staff of Maria Keary Cottage offer housing and assistance to previously homeless men to help them stabilize their lives and overcome the barriers that keep them homeless.

Our partners

We receive funding and grants from government. For more details on our funding, please contact us.